May 092014
May Ski Days-Peaks and Babies

 SVT Guide, Joe St.Onge, remembers a May ski day on his child’s 2nd birthday:   It was May, locals had hung up their skis and our busy ski guiding season was coming to a close.  It was time to ski for ourselves.   My wife was pregnant with our second [click here for more]

Internship Final Exam

 Daily Powder Tours, SVT Scene, Tricks of the Trade  Comments Off on Internship Final Exam
Apr 302014
Internship Final Exam

For over 12 years, Sun Valley Trekking has run an internship program during the winter season. The goal of the program is to provide training and mentorship to aspiring ski guides. The “job description” is to : Ski from hut to hut throughout the winter, maintain hut supplies, gather snow [click here for more]

Sawtooth Woodcut and Ski Fest

 Bench Hut, Fishhook Yurts, Huts and Yurts  Comments Off on Sawtooth Woodcut and Ski Fest
Apr 182014
Sawtooth Woodcut and Ski Fest

We are just back from the annual Sawtooth Woodcuts: 4 days of cutting wood and skiing couloirs. Hard labor and Fun Stuff.

Sirens of Snow at the Coyote Yurts

 Coyote Yurts, Huts and Yurts  Comments Off on Sirens of Snow at the Coyote Yurts
Apr 082014
Sirens of Snow at the Coyote Yurts

Just back from an awesome 2 day trip to the Coyote yurts with the Sirens of Snow. Perfect corn, settled powder and lots of FUN!

Guides “Day Off”

 Daily Powder Tours, Guides Day Off, SVT Scene  Comments Off on Guides “Day Off”
Apr 022014
Guides  "Day Off"

Was it April Fools, Niels’ Birthday, or the fact that it was snowing? Regardless, at our morning guide meeting yesterday, we decided to call a “powder day” and go skiing as a team. Nothing short of BIG FUN and pure stoke!

Chainsaws and Peaks in the Pios

 Huts and Yurts, Pioneer Yurts, SVT Scene  Comments Off on Chainsaws and Peaks in the Pios
Mar 262014
Chainsaws and Peaks in the Pios

We are just back from a 3 day mission into the Pioneer Yurt with goal of supplying the yurt with cords of firewood and other supplies for the next season. We transitioned from snowmobiles to chainsaws to skis and alpine axes, cutting lots of wood and climbing and skiing some [click here for more]

Mar 142014
Burnin' Fun at the new Coyote Yurts!

Wow, what a great 3 days of spring skiing at the new Coyote Yurts! Bob and Kate (from our local backcountry ski shop: the Elephant’s Perch) joined our Canadian friends, Bernard and Sheri, for an action packed 3 days exploring the new burn skiing around Coyote with Joe. Splitter blue [click here for more]