Coyote Yurt :: Summer Livin’ Is Easy

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Jul 262012
Coyote Yurt :: Summer Livin' Is Easy

Coyote Yurt is what’s happenin’! Early this Summer, Joe and friends renovated both the large and small yurt with highlights including a new kitchen and a Goal Zero solar system which runs lights and a speaker for iPod type music players. The firepit was also rebuilt and is large enough [click here for more]

 Posted by at 12:26 PM
May 312012
The Devil's Bedstead, Pioneer Mountains, Idaho

When any skier first catches sight of the Devil’s Bedstead (11,865′) when driving over Trail Creek Pass, their car stops and jaw drops simultaneously. It is one of Idaho’s classic ski mountaineering objectives. Joe and Craig successfully climbed and skied this gem yesterday. Thin clouds kept the sun’s radiant effect [click here for more]

 Posted by at 10:34 AM

Skiing :: Ryan Peak, Boulder Mountains, Idaho

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May 212012
Skiing :: Ryan Peak, Boulder Mountains, Idaho

The alpine continues to provide good skiing in our area. Joe, Patrick, and Kyle climbed to the highest summit in the Boulder Mountains, Ryan Peak, this past Saturday and skied it’s north face. Here are some of Joe’s photos from their ski tour. Dust off your skis and give us [click here for more]

 Posted by at 11:15 AM

May Skiing!

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May 032012
May Skiing!

It’s May in Idaho, which means long days and a choice between riding buffed out single track on your bike, climbing on a sunny crag or skiing powder and corn up high. For some there is no choice at all. They either do them all or hang back in hammock. [click here for more]

 Posted by at 1:16 PM

Bench Hut :: Spring Skiing

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Apr 132012
Bench Hut :: Spring Skiing

Our newest employee, Craig Wolfrom, was up in the Sawtooth Mountains these past few days with a few of our guides and interns to capture some images of the great spring skiing accessible from our Bench Hut. Here are some of the images he captured. We still have availability and [click here for more]

 Posted by at 11:44 AM

Pioneer Yurt :: If A Wood Cut Could Cut Wood

 Huts and Yurts, Pioneer Yurts  Comments Off on Pioneer Yurt :: If A Wood Cut Could Cut Wood
Apr 032012
Pioneer Yurt :: If A Wood Cut Could Cut Wood

The annual Pioneer woodcut happened last week in perfect conditions. Snow for 5 days straight, little wind and an awesome team made for an amazing couple of days. Big trees were dropped, big saws were spinning, big muscles moved bigger logs, big powder lines were skied, big fires were lit [click here for more]

 Posted by at 1:59 PM

The Spice of Life :: Spring Skiing

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Apr 022012
The Spice of Life :: Spring Skiing

It has been said many times, “variety is the spice of life.” If you are a skier, this quote holds true for Spring Skiing in Idaho, especially this year! As evidenced by the following photos, we’ve found absolutely amazing conditions the past week ranging from powder to corn on all [click here for more]

 Posted by at 11:54 AM

Daily Powder Tours :: Sirens of Snow

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Mar 192012
Daily Powder Tours :: Sirens of Snow

Corn and Powder on the same day! Welcome to March. Joe St.Onge skied with the Sirens of Snow on a beautiful early March day finding the first corn of the season and some nice settled powder to boot.

 Posted by at 1:55 PM