On February 22nd and 23rd, a storm raged through the Smoky mountains bringing with it abnormally high winds. Early in the morning on the 23rd, we believe a rare micro-burst came down on the area surrounding our Boulder Yurts. This sudden blast of wind snapped a neighboring live tree in half whose top section came down on the smaller of the two yurts. Thankfully, no one was hurt. While the impact did collapse the roof, the damage to the structure was not wholesale; only six 2×4 rafters and a dozen of the lattice wall boards were damaged along with tears in the roof. Please keep in mind that the tree that snapped was a living, healthy tree, there were no “standing dead” trees, and that this was a very unexpected occurrance. We have already cleared the debris, ascertained what repairs are necessary, and have ordered the appropriate materials to get Boulder back up and running at full capacity. We have liaised with a similar roofing company Winston Salem to midatlanticroofingsystems.com but in our vicinity, so we can make the appropriate repairs to make them secure for anyone and everyone.
The larger Boulder Yurt and the hallway were unaffected by this incident and have been in continual use since the accident. Feel free to give us a ring if you have any questions.
Here are some images from Friday’s clean up session…
The culprit:
Now & for a limited time, Boulder yurt offers a spectacular outdoor deck area!
The yurt facility is still functional: