Feb 262014

Last month we ran the 1st ever backcountry snow-bike hut trip to Tornak Hut. The low early season snow left many us searching for the powder stashes and scraping by, cracking the occasional joke about running snow bike trips instead of ski trips. That’s when serendipity hit and an old friend and one time guide with SVT suggested a fat bike hut trip for an upcoming article he was writing for the New York Times. Why not? We kept the plan was loose, made sure the participants were strong and unfortunately waited 3 days too long, biking in after 8″ of fresh Idaho powder fell. The biking conditions were perfect before the new snow, but good times were had even if the uphill biking was a bit tough with the fresh powder. This trip showed us that Fat Bike trips to the huts is both possible and FUN. So for those of you more inclined to pedal than skin: this is another great way to have an adventure in the Idaho backcountry!

You can check out the NYT article here:

Ahh, spinning on the way to Tornak

Ahh, spinning on the way to Tornak

Taking a break and releasing some tire pressure for the deep snow

Taking a break and releasing some tire pressure for the deep snow

Yep, its deep off the trail

Yep, its deep off the trail

Some spots were a bit soft, but spirits were not!

Some spots were a bit soft, but spirits were not!

The final downhill to Tornak Hut

The final downhill to Tornak Hut

Unloading gear, from bike to hut

Unloading gear, from bike to hut

the cozy hut life

the cozy hut life

and cold beer was earned

and cold beer was earned

flowing the 9 mile down hill

flowing the 9 mile down hill




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