Dec 172012

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Skiing above the Bench Hut.

Wow. We are getting to the point where we are just about speechless here in South Central Idaho because the snow continues to roll in and is providing amazingly deep turns! Check out our week in photos for this past week with the images from our guides and interns who captured images as they made it to every hut and yurt to get them all online and ready for use. Yes, they are all ready and you can put your skis on from every trailhead! We still have availablity–give us a ring to book nights in the backcountry or guided days backcountry skiing.

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Cobb Peak as seen from Coyote Yurt

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Pioneer Yurt

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Touring above Pioneer Yurt

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Cobb Peak looms large while skiing in the Pioneer range!

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Final turns en route to the best (and only) apre ski bar in the Pioneer mountains!

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Pioneer Yurt skiing at its finest.

Skiing the backcountry near Sun Valley, Idaho.
Turn on Durrance Peak from Sunday, December 16th, 2012

 Posted by at 1:07 PM

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